张靓颖英文新歌《DUST MY SHOULDERS OFF》mps歌词试听

张靓颖英文新歌《DUST MY SHOULDERS OFF》mps歌词试听

对于张靓颖来说,今天(10月11日)是个特别的日子。不仅迎来了人生中又一个千万粉丝同庆贺的生日,更是她筹备多时、倾注了热情与心血的全新英文专辑首支单曲《DUST MY SHOULDERS OFF》,在酷狗开启预售的日子。




So go on and tear it up

Black and cold with the dust

Cuz I believed in the lord

And he don't show up anymore

If you can't trust the wind who can you trust?

If you can't love sin who can you love?

If I begin will you let me finish up?

If I fell down would you pick me up?

If I don't drink from a silver cup, like you

Would you say, so long, farewell, good luck'

So go on tear it up

Black and cold with the dust

Cuz I believed in the Lord

But he don't show up anymore

If a man can't lie how can he speak?

If the sun don't rise would the moon be out of reach

If I came home would you get down on your knees?

So go on tear it up

Black and cold with the dust

Cuz I believed in the Lord

And he don't show up anymore


Cuz I believed in the lord

Cuz I believed in the lord

Cuz I believed in the lord

But he don't show up

He don't show up anymore

No, not anymore

Not anymore

而她今天在酷狗预售的这首最新英文单曲《DUST MY SHOULDERS OFF》,歌词与她11年来的奋斗故事一样,充满着激情与励志:

“So I keep on smiling / I won't start wailing / I just keep living my life (我依旧面带笑意/我不会就此放弃/ 我的人生在继续)”

“Can't keep me down me down / It’s only temporary / Can’t make me frown me frown / So I ain’t even worried (我坚决我的意志/ 我坚信都是暂时/ 我坚守我的理智/ 我没有担心的事)”

“No big deal / Win some you lose some / But life gets real / Won't last forever (没有什么大不了/ 有付出才有得到/ 人生或哭或笑/ 不会一直糟糕)”

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