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In social psychology, illusory superiority is a cognitive bias wherein a person overestimates their own qualities and abilities compared to other people. Illusory superiority is one of many positive illusions, relating to the self, that are evident in the study of intelligence, the effective performance of tasks and tests, and the possession of desirable personal characteristics and personality traits. Overestimation of abilities compared to an objective measure is known as the overconfidence effect.


The term "illusory superiority" was first used by the researchers Van Yperen and Buunk, in 1991. The phenomenon is also known as the above-average effect, the superiority bias, the leniency error, the sense of relative superiority, the primus inter pares effect, and the Lake Wobegon effect, named after the fictional town where all the children are above average. The Dunning-Kruger effect is a form of illusory superiority shown by people on a task where their level of skill is low.

“虚幻的优越感”一词最早由研究人员范·耶佩伦(Van Yperen)和布恩克(Buunk)在 1991 年使用。这种现象也被称为高于平均水平效应、优势偏差、宽容错误、相对优势感、首屈一指效应和沃比冈湖效应等,以虚构的小镇命名,该小镇所有孩子都比平均水平优秀。邓宁-克效应也是一种虚幻的优越感,在技能水平低的人执行任务中有所表现。

A vast majority of the literature on illusory superiority originates from studies on participants in the United States. However, research that only investigates the effects in one specific population is severely limited as this may not be a true representation of human psychology. More recent research investigating self-esteem in other countries suggests that illusory superiority depends on culture. Some studies indicate that East Asians tend to underestimate their own abilities in order to improve themselves and get along with others.


Alicke and Govorun proposed the idea that, rather than individuals consciously reviewing and thinking about their own abilities, behaviors and characteristics and comparing them to those of others, it is likely that people instead have what they describe as an "automatic tendency to assimilate positively-evaluated social objects toward ideal trait conceptions". For example, if an individual evaluated themselves as honest, they would be likely to then exaggerate their characteristic towards their perceived ideal position on a scale of honesty. Importantly, Alicke noted that this ideal position is not always the top of the scale; for example, with honesty, someone who is always brutally honest may be regarded as rude—the ideal is a balance, perceived differently by different individuals.


Another explanation for how the better-than-average effect works is egocentrism. This is the idea that an individual places greater importance and significance on their own abilities, characteristics, and behaviors than those of others. Egocentrism is therefore a less overtly self-serving bias. According to egocentrism, individuals will overestimate themselves in relation to others because they believe that they have an advantage that others do not have, as an individual considering their own performance and another's performance will consider their performance to be better, even when they are in fact equal. Kruger (1999) found support for the egocentrism explanation in his research involving participant ratings of their ability on easy and difficult tasks. It was found that individuals were consistent in their ratings of themselves as above the median in the tasks classified as "easy" and below the median in the tasks classified as "difficult", regardless of their actual ability. In this experiment the better-than-average effect was observed when it was suggested to participants that they would be successful, but also a worse-than-average effect was found when it was suggested that participants would be unsuccessful.


Yet another explanation for the better-than-average effect is "focalism", the idea that greater significance is placed on the object that is the focus of attention. Most studies of the better-than-average effect place greater focus on the self when asking participants to make comparisons (the question will often be phrased with the self being presented before the comparison target—"compare yourself to the average person"). According to focalism this means that the individual will place greater significance on their own ability or characteristic than that of the comparison target. This also means that in theory if, in an experiment on the better-than-average effect, the questions were phrased so that the self and other were switched (e.g., "compare the average peer to yourself") the better-than-average effect should be lessened.


Research into focalism has focused primarily on optimistic bias rather than the better-than-average effect. However, two studies found a decreased effect of optimistic bias when participants were asked to compare an average peer to themselves, rather than themselves to an average peer.


Windschitl, Kruger & Simms (2003) have conducted research into focalism, focusing specifically on the better-than-average effect, and found that asking participants to estimate their ability and likelihood of success in a task produced results of decreased estimations when they were asked about others' chances of success rather than their own.


A 2012 Psychological Bulletin suggests that illusory superiority, as well as other biases, can be explained by an information-theoretic generative mechanism that assumes observation (a noisy conversion of objective evidence) into subjective estimates (judgment). The study suggests that the underlying cognitive mechanism is saimilar to the noisy mixing of memories that cause the conservatism bias or overconfidence: re-adjustment of estimates of our own performance after our own performance are adjusted differently than the re-adjustments regarding estimates of others' performances. Estimates of the scores of others are even more conservative (more influenced by the previous expectation) than our estimates of our own performance (more influenced by the new evidence received after giving the test). The difference in the conservative bias of both estimates (conservative estimate of our own performance, and even more conservative estimate of the performance of others) is enough to create illusory superiority.

2012 年的一份《心理公报》指出,虚幻的优越感以及其他偏差可以用一种信息理论的生成机制来解释,该机制假定观察(对客观证据的嘈杂转换)转化为主观估计(判断)。该研究表明,潜在的认知机制与导致保守偏差或过度自信的记忆嘈杂混合类似:在自己的表现被调整后,对自己表现的估计的重新调整与对他人表现的估计的重新调整不同。对他人分数的估计甚至更加保守(受先前预期的影响更大),而对自己表现的估计(受考试后收到的新证据的影响更大)。这两种估计的保守偏差的差异(对自己表现的保守估计,以及对他人表现的更保守的估计)足以产生虚幻的优越感。

Since mental noise is a sufficient explanation that is much simpler and more straightforward than any other explanation involving heuristics, behavior, or social interaction, the Occam's razor principle argues in its favor as the underlying generative mechanism (it is the hypothesis which makes the fewest assumptions).


Selective recruitment is the notion that an individual selects their own strengths and the other's weaknesses when making peer comparisons, in order that they appear better on the whole. This theory was first tested by Weinstein (1980); however, this was in an experiment relating to optimistic bias, rather than the better-than-average effect. The study involved participants rating certain behaviors as likely to increase or decrease the chance of a series of life events happening to them. It was found that individuals showed less optimistic bias when they were allowed to see others' answers.


Perloff and Fetzer (1986) suggested that when making peer comparisons on a specific characteristic, an individual chooses a comparison target—the peer to whom he is being compared—with lower abilities. To test this theory, Perloff and Fetzer asked participants to compare themselves to specific comparison targets like a close friend, and found that illusory superiority decreased when they were told to envision a specific person rather than vague constructs like "the average peer". However, these results are not completely reliable and could be affected by the fact that individuals like their close friends more than an "average peer" and may as a result rate their friend as being higher than average, therefore the friend would not be an objective comparison target.


This idea, put forward by Giladi and Klar, suggests that when making comparisons any single member of a group will tend to evaluate themselves to rank above that group's statistical mean performance level or the median performance level of its members. For example, if an individual is asked to assess their own skill at driving compared to the rest of the group, they are likely to rate themself as an above-average driver. Furthermore, the majority of the group is likely to rate themselves as above average. Research has found this effect in many different areas of human performance and has even generalized it beyond individuals' attempts to draw comparisons involving themselves. Findings of this research therefore suggest that rather than individuals evaluating themselves as above average in a self-serving manner, the better-than-average effect is actually due to a general tendency to evaluate any single person or object as better than average.


The better-than-average effect may not have wholly social origins—judgments about inanimate objects suffer similar distortions.


The degree to which people view themselves as more desirable than the average person links to reduced activation in their orbitofrontal cortex and dorsal anterior cingulate cortex. This is suggested to link to the role of these areas in processing "cognitive control".


Illusory superiority has been found in individuals' comparisons of themselves with others in a variety of aspects of life, including performance in academic circumstances (such as class performance, exams and overall intelligence), in working environments (for example in job performance), and in social settings (for example in estimating one's popularity, or the extent to which one possesses desirable personality traits, such as honesty or confidence), and in everyday abilities requiring particular skill.


For illusory superiority to be demonstrated by social comparison, two logical hurdles have to be overcome. One is the ambiguity of the word "average". It is logically possible for nearly all of the set to be above the mean if the distribution of abilities is highly skewed. For example, the mean number of legs per human being is slightly lower than two because some people have fewer than two and almost none have more. Hence experiments usually compare subjects to the median of the peer group, since by definition it is impossible for a majority to exceed the median.


A further problem in inferring inconsistency is that subjects might interpret the question in different ways, so it is logically possible that a majority of them are, for example, more generous than the rest of the group each on "their own understanding" of generosity. This interpretation is confirmed by experiments which varied the amount of interpretive freedom. As subjects evaluated themselves on a specific, well-defined attribute, illusory superiority remains.


In a survey of faculty at the University of Nebraska–Lincoln, 68% rated themselves in the top 25% for teaching ability, and 94% rated themselves as above average.

在内布拉斯加-林肯大学的一项教师调查中,68%的人认为自己的教学能力处于前 25%,94%的人认为自己高于平均水平。

In a similar survey, 87% of Master of Business Administration students at Stanford University rated their academic performance as above the median.

在一项类似的调查中,斯坦福大学的 87%的工商管理硕士学生将自己的学习成绩评为中位数以上。

Illusory superiority has also explained phenomena such as the large amount of stock market trading (as each trader thinks they are the best, and most likely to succeed), and the number of lawsuits that go to trial (because, due to illusory superiority, many lawyers have an inflated belief that they will win a case).


Main article: Dunning–Kruger effect 主要文章:邓宁-克效应

In Kruger and Dunning's experiments, participants were given specific tasks (such as solving logic problems, analyzing grammar questions, and determining whether jokes were funny), and were asked to evaluate their performance on these tasks relative to the rest of the group, enabling a direct comparison of their actual and perceived performance.


Results were divided into four groups depending on actual performance and it was found that all four groups evaluated their performance as above average, meaning that the lowest-scoring group (the bottom 25%) showed a very large illusory superiority bias. The researchers attributed this to the fact that the individuals who were worst at performing the tasks were also worst at recognizing skill in those tasks. This was supported by the fact that, given training, the worst subjects improved their estimate of their rank as well as getting better at the tasks. The paper, titled "Unskilled and Unaware of It: How Difficulties in Recognizing One's Own Incompetence Lead to Inflated Self-Assessments", won an Ig Nobel Prize in 2000.

结果根据实际表现分为四组,发现所有四组都评价自己的表现高于平均水平,这意味着得分最低的组(排名最后的 25%)表现出非常大的虚幻优越感偏差。研究人员将这归因于那些最不擅长执行任务的人也最不擅长识别这些任务中的技能。这一点得到了这样一个事实的支持:经过培训,最差的受试者提高了对自己排名的估计,同时也提高了完成任务的能力。这篇题为“不熟练且不知道:难以认识到自己的无能如何导致夸大的自我评估”的论文在 2000 年获得了搞笑诺贝尔奖。

In 2003 Dunning and Joyce Ehrlinger, also of Cornell University, published a study that detailed a shift in people's views of themselves influenced by external cues. Cornell undergraduates were given tests of their knowledge of geography, some intended to positively affect their self-views, others intended to affect them negatively. They were then asked to rate their performance, and those given the positive tests reported significantly better performance than those given the negative.

2003 年,康奈尔大学的邓宁和乔伊斯·埃尔林格发表了一项研究,详细描述了人们对外界线索影响下自身观点的转变。康奈尔大学的本科生接受了地理知识测试,一些测试旨在积极影响他们的自我观点,另一些则旨在产生负面影响。然后要求他们对自己的表现进行评分,那些接受积极测试的人报告的表现明显好于那些接受消极测试的人。

Daniel Ames and Lara Kammrath extended this work to sensitivity to others, and the subjects' perception of how sensitive they were. Research by Burson, Larrick, and Klayman suggests that the effect is not so obvious and may be due to noise and bias levels.


Dunning, Kruger, and coauthors' latest paper[when?] on this subject comes to qualitatively similar conclusions[clarification needed] after making some attempt to test alternative explanations.


Svenson (1981) surveyed 161 students in Sweden and the United States, asking them to compare their driving skills and safety to other people's. For driving skills, 93% of the U.S. sample and 69% of the Swedish sample put themselves in the top 50%; for safety, 88% of the U.S. and 77% of the Swedish put themselves in the top 50%.

斯文森(1981)调查了 161 名瑞典和美国的学生,要求他们将自己的驾驶技术及驾驶安全与其他人进行比较。在驾驶技术方面,93%的美国样本和 69%的瑞典样本将自己排在前 50%;在安全方面,88%的美国人和 77%的瑞典人将自己排在前 50%。

McCormick, Walkey and Green (1986) found similar results in their study, asking 178 participants to evaluate their position on eight different dimensions of driving skills (examples include the "dangerous–safe" dimension and the "considerate–inconsiderate" dimension). Only a small minority rated themselves as below the median, and when all eight dimensions were considered together it was found that almost 80% of participants had evaluated themselves as being an above-average driver.

麦考密克、沃尔基和格林(1986)在他们的研究中发现了类似的结果,他们要求 178 名参与者对自己在驾驶技能的八个不同维度上的排名进行评估(例如,“危险-安全”维度和“体贴-不体贴”维度)。只有一小部分人将自己评价为低于中位数,当考虑所有八个维度时,发现几乎 80%的参与者将自己评价为高于平均水平的司机。

One commercial survey showed that 36% of drivers believed they were an above-average driver while texting or sending emails compared to other drivers; 44% considered themselves average, and 18% below average.


Illusory superiority was found in a self-report study of health behaviors (Hoorens & Harris, 1998) that asked participants to estimate how often they and their peers carried out healthy and unhealthy behaviors. Participants reported that they carried out healthy behaviors more often than the average peer, and unhealthy behaviors less often. The findings held even for expected future behavior.

在一项关于健康行为的自我报告研究中发现了虚幻的优越感(Hoorens & Harris, 1998),该研究要求参与者估计他们和自己的同伴进行健康和不健康行为的频率。参与者报告说,他们比一般的同伴更经常地进行健康行为,而不健康行为则更少。即使是对预期的未来行为,这一发现也成立。

Main article: Bias blind spot


Subjects describe themselves in positive terms compared to other people, and this includes describing themselves as less susceptible to bias than other people. This effect is called the "bias blind spot" and has been demonstrated independently[citation needed].


One of the main effects of illusory superiority in IQ is the "Downing effect". This describes the tendency of people with a below-average IQ to overestimate their IQ, and of people with an above-average IQ to underestimate their IQ (similar trend to the Dunning-Kruger effect). This tendency was first observed by C. L. Downing, who conducted the first cross-cultural studies on perceived intelligence. His studies also showed that the ability to accurately estimate other people's IQs was proportional to one's own IQ (i.e., the lower the IQ, the less capable of accurately appraising other people's IQs). People with high IQs are better overall at appraising other people's IQs, but when asked about the IQs of people with similar IQs as themselves, they are likely to rate them as having higher IQs.[source needed]

虚幻优越感在智商方面的主要影响之一是“唐宁效应”。这描述了智商低于平均水平的人高估自己的智商,而智商高于平均水平的人低估自己的智商的趋势(与邓宁-克效应类似)。这种趋势最早是由 C.L.唐宁观察到的,他进行了第一项关于感知智力的跨文化研究。他的研究还表明,准确估计他人智商的能力与自己的智商成正比(即,智商越低,准确评估他人智商的能力就越低)。高智商的人总体上更善于评估他人的智商,但当被问及与自己智商相似的人的智商时,他们可能会评价他们有更高的智商。[需要备注来源]

The disparity between actual IQ and perceived IQ has also been noted between genders by British psychologist Adrian Fudddnham, in whose work there was a suggestion that, on average, men are more likely to overestimate their intelligence by 5 points, while women are more likely to underestimate their IQ by a similar margin.

英国心理学家阿德里安·福登汉姆也注意到了实际智商和感知智商之间的性别差异,在他的研究中,有迹象表明,平均而言,男性更有可能高估自己的智力 5 分,而女性更有可能低估自己的智商类似的幅度。

Illusory superiority has been found in studies comparing memory self-reports, such as Schmidt, Berg & Deelman's research in older adults. This study involved participants aged between 46 and 89 years of age comparing their own memory to that of peers of the same age group, 25-year-olds and their own memory at age 25. This research showed that participants exhibited illusory superiority when comparing themselves to both peers and younger adults, however the researchers asserted that these judgments were only slightly related to age.

在比较记忆自我报告的研究中也发现了虚幻的优越感,例如Schmidt、Berg 和 Deelman 对老年人的研究。这项研究涉及 46 至 89 岁的参与者将自己的记忆与同龄人群、25 岁的年轻人以及自己 25 岁时的记忆进行比较。这项研究表明,参与者在与同龄人和年轻人比较时都表现出了虚幻的优越感,然而研究人员断言这些判断与年龄只有轻微的关系。

In Zuckerman and Jost's study, participants were given detailed questionnaires about their friendships and asked to assess their own popularity. Using social network analysis, they were able to show that participants generally had exaggerated perceptions of their own popularity, especially in comparison to their own friends.


Despite the fact that most people in the study believed that they had more friends than their friends, a 1991 study by sociologist Scott L. Feld on the friendship paradox shows that on average, due to sampling bias, most people have fewer friends than their friends have.

尽管研究中的大多数人认为自己的朋友比他们的朋友多,但社会学家斯科特·L·费尔德在 1991 年关于友谊悖论的研究表明,由于抽样偏差,平均而言,大多数人的朋友比他们的朋友少。

Researchers have also found illusory superiority in relationship satisfaction. For example, one study found that participants perceived their own relationships as better than others' relationships on average, but thought that the majority of people were happy with their relationships. It also found evidence that the higher the participants rated their own relationship happiness, the more superior they believed their relationship was—illusory superiority also increased their own relationship satisfaction. This effect was pronounced in men, whose satisfaction was especially related to the perception that one's own relationship was superior as well as to the assumption that few others were unhappy in their relationships. On the other hand, women's satisfaction was particularly related to the assumption that most people were happy with their relationship. One study[citation needed] found that participants became defensive when their spouse or partner were perceived by others to be more successful in any aspect of their life, and had the tendency to exaggerate their success and understate their spouse or partner's success.


One of the first studies that found illusory superiority was carried out in the United States by the College Board in 1976. A survey was attached to the SAT exams (taken by one million students annually), asking the students to rate themselves relative to the median of the sample (rather than the average peer) on a number of vague positive characteristics. In ratings of leadership, 70% of the students put themselves above the median. In ability to get on well with others, 85% put themselves above the median; 25% rated themselves in the top 1%.

最早发现虚幻优越感的研究之一是由美国大学理事会在 1976 年进行的。在 SAT 考试(每年有 100 万学生参加)中附上了一项调查,要求学生根据样本的中位数(而不是普通同龄人)对自己的一系列模糊的积极特征进行评分。在领导力方面,70%的学生认为自己高于中位数。在与他人相处的能力方面,85%的学生认为自己高于中位数;25%的人将自己评为前 1%。

A 2002 study on illusory superiority in social settings, with participants comparing themselves to friends and other peers on positive characteristics (such as punctuality and sensitivity) and negative characteristics (such as naivety or inconsistency). This study found that participants rated themselves more favorably than their friends, but rated their friends more favorably than other peers (but there were several moderating factors).

2002 年一项关于社会环境中虚幻优越感的研究,要求参与者将自己与朋友和其他同龄人在积极特征(如守时和敏感)和消极特征(如天真或不一致)上进行比较。这项研究发现,参与者对自己的评价比他们的朋友的更有利,但对他们的朋友的评价比其他同龄人更有利(但有几个调节因素)。

Research by Perloff and Fetzer, Brown, and Henri Tajfel and John C. Turner also found friends being rated higher than other peers. Tajfel and Turner attributed this to an "ingroup bias" and suggested that this was motivated by the individual's desire for a "positive social identity".

佩洛夫和费策、布朗以及亨利· Tajfel 和约翰·C·特纳的研究也发现朋友的评价比其他同龄人高。 Tajfel 和 Turner 将此归因于“内群体偏见”,并认为这是由于个人对“积极的社会认同”的渴望。

While illusory superiority has been found to be somewhat self-serving, this does not mean that it will predictably occur—it is not constant. The strength of the effect is moderated by many factors, the main examples of which have been summarized by Alicke and Govorun (2005).

虽然虚幻的优越感被发现有点自私自利,但这并不意味着它会预期发生——它不是恒定的。这种影响的强度受到许多因素的调节,Alicke 和 Govorun(2005)总结了主要例证。

This is a phenomenon that Alicke and Govorun have described as "the nature of the judgement dimension" and refers to how subjective (abstract) or objective (concrete) the ability or characteristic being evaluated is. Research by Sedikides & Strube (1997) has found that people are more self-serving (the effect of illusory superiority is stronger) when the event in question is more open to interpretation, for example social constructs such as popularity and attractiveness are more interpretable than characteristics such as intelligence and physical ability. This has been partly attributed also to the need for a believable self-view.

这是 Alicke 和 Govorun 所描述的“判断维度的性质”的一种现象,指的是正在评估的能力或特征是多么主观(抽象)或客观(具体)。Sedikides & Strube(1997)的研究发现,当所讨论的事件更容易解释时,人们更自私(虚幻优越感的影响更强),例如,像受欢迎程度和吸引力这样的社会结构比智力和身体能力等特征更具解释性。这在一定程度上也归因于对可信自我观点的需求。

The idea that ambiguity moderates illusory superiority has empirical research support from a study involving two conditions: in one, participants were given criteria for assessing a trait as ambiguous or unambiguous, and in the other participants were free to assess the traits according to their own criteria. It was found that the effect of illusory superiority was greater in the condition where participants were free to assess the traits.


The effects of illusory superiority have also been found to be strongest when people rate themselves on abilities at which they are totally incompetent. These subjects have the greatest disparity between their actual performance (at the low end of the distribution) and their self-rating (placing themselves above average). This Dunning–Kruger effect is interpreted as a lack of metacognitive ability to recognize their own incompetence.


The method used in research into illusory superiority has been found to have an implication on the strength of the effect found. Most studies into illusory superiority involve a comparison between an individual and an average peer, of which there are two methods: direct comparison and indirect comparison. A direct comparison—which is more commonly used—involves the participant rating themselves and the average peer on the same scale, from "below average" to "above average" and results in participants being far more self-serving. Researchers have suggested that this occurs due to the closer comparison between the individual and the average peer, however use of this method means that it is impossible to know whether a participant has overestimated themselves, underestimated the average peer, or both.


The indirect method of comparison involves participants rating themselves and the average peer on separate scales and the illusory superiority effect is found by taking the average peer score away from the individual's score (with a higher score indicating a greater effect). While the indirect comparison method is used less often it is more informative in terms of whether participants have overestimated themselves or underestimated the average peer, and can therefore provide more information about the nature of illusory superiority.


The nature of the comparison target is one of the most fundamental moderating factors of the effect of illusory superiority, and there are two main issues relating to the comparison target that need to be considered.


First, research into illusory superiority is distinct in terms of the comparison target because an individual compares themselves with a hypothetical average peer rather than a tangible person. Alicke et al. (1995) found that the effect of illusory superiority was still present but was significantly reduced when participants compared themselves with real people (also participants in the experiment, who were seated in the same room), as opposed to when participants compared themselves with an average peer. This suggests that research into illusory superiority may itself be biasing results and finding a greater effect than would actually occur in real life.

首先,对虚幻优越感的研究在比较目标方面是不同的,因为个人将自己与假设的普通同龄人进行比较,而不是与具体的人进行比较。Alicke 等人(1995)发现,当参与者与真实的人(也是实验中的参与者,坐在同一个房间里)进行比较时,虚幻优越感的效果仍然存在,但明显减少,而当参与者与普通同龄人进行比较时则不同。这表明,对虚幻优越感的研究本身可能会使结果产生偏差,并发现比实际生活中实际发生的效果更大。

Further research into the differences between comparison targets involved four conditions where participants were at varying proximity to an interview with the comparison target: watching live in the same room; watching on tape; reading a written transcript; or making self-other comparisons with an average peer. It was found that when the participant was further removed from the interview situation (in the tape observation and transcript conditions) the effect of illusory superiority was found to be greater. Researchers asserted that these findings suggest that the effect of illusory superiority is reduced by two main factors—individuation of the target and live contact with the target.


Second, Alicke et al.'s (1995) studies investigated whether the negative connotations to the word "average" may have an effect on the extent to which individuals exhibit illusory superiority, namely whether the use of the word "average" increases illusory superiority. Participants were asked to evaluate themselves, the average peer and a person whom they had sat next to in the previous experiment, on various dimensions. It was found that they placed themselves highest, followed by the real person, followed by the average peer, however the average peer was consistently placed above the mean point on the scale, suggesting that the word "average" did not have a negative effect on the participant's view of the average peer.

其次,Alicke 等人(1995)的研究调查了“平均”一词的负面含义是否会对个人表现出虚幻优越感的程度产生影响,即“平均”一词的使用是否会增加虚幻优越感。参与者被要求在各个方面评价自己、普通同龄人以及他们在之前实验中坐在旁边的人。结果发现,他们把自己排在最高位,其次是真实的人,其次是普通同龄人,然而普通同龄人一直被排在量表的平均点之上,这表明“平均”一词对参与者对普通同龄人的看法没有负面影响。

An important moderating factor of the effect of illusory superiority is the extent to which an individual believes they are able to control and change their position on the dimension concerned. According to Alicke & Govorun positive characteristics that an individual believes are within their control are more self-serving, and negative characteristics that are seen as uncontrollable are less detrimental to self-enhancement. This theory was supported by Alicke's (1985) research, which found that individuals rated themselves as higher than an average peer on positive controllable traits and lower than an average peer on negative uncontrollable traits. The idea, suggested by these findings, that individuals believe that they are responsible for their success and some other factor is responsible for their failure is known as the self-serving bias.

虚幻优越感效应的一个重要调节因素是个人认为自己能够控制和改变所关注维度的程度。根据 Alicke & Govorun 的观点,个人认为在其控制范围内的积极特征更具自利性,而被视为无法控制的消极特征对自我提升的危害较小。这一理论得到了 Alicke(1985)的研究支持,该研究发现,个人在积极可控特征上的评分高于普通同龄人,在消极不可控特征上的评分低于普通同龄人。这些发现所提出的观点,即个人认为他们对自己的成功负责,而其他一些因素对他们的失败负责,被称为自利偏差。

Personality characteristics vary widely between people and have been found to moderate the effects of illusory superiority, one of the main examples of this is self-esteem. Brown (1986) found that in self-evaluations of positive characteristics participants with higher self-esteem showed greater illusory superiority bias than participants with lower self-esteem. Additionally, another study found that participants pre-classified as having high self-esteem tended to interpret ambiguous traits in a self-serving way, whereas participants pre-classified as having low self-esteem did not do this.


Main article: Depressive realism


Psychology has traditionally assumed that generally accurate self-perceptions are essential to good mental health. This was challenged by a 1988 paper by Taylor and Brown, who argued that mentally healthy individuals typically manifest three cognitive illusions—illusory superiority, illusion of control, and optimism bias. This idea rapidly became very influential, with some authorities concluding that it would be therapeutic to deliberately induce these biases. Since then, further research has both undermined that conclusion and offered new evidence associating illusory superiority with negative effects on the individual.

心理学传统上认为,准确的自我认知对于良好的心理健康至关重要。这一观点受到了 1988 年 Taylor 和 Brown 的一篇论文的挑战,他们认为心理健康的个人通常表现出三种认知错觉——虚幻优越感、控制错觉和乐观偏差。这一观点迅速产生了很大的影响,一些权威人士得出结论,故意诱导这些偏差可能具有治疗效果。从那以后,进一步的研究既破坏了这一结论,又提供了将虚幻优越感与对个人的负面影响联系起来的新证据。

One line of argument was that in the Taylor and Brown paper, the classification of people as mentally healthy or unhealthy was based on self-reports rather than objective criteria. People prone to self-enhancement would exaggerate how well-adjusted they are. One study claimed that "mentally normal" groups were contaminated by "defensive deniers", who are the most subject to positive illusions. A longitudinal study found that self-enhancement biases were associated with poor social skills and psychological maladjustment. In a separate experiment where videotaped conversations between men and women were rated by independent observers, self-enhancing individuals were more likely to show socially problematic behaviors such as hostility or irritability. A 2007 study found that self-enhancement biases were associated with psychological benefits (such as subjective well-being) but also inter- and intra-personal costs (such as anti-social behavior).

一种论点是,在 Taylor 和 Brown 的论文中,对人心理健康或不健康的分类是基于自我报告而不是客观标准。容易自我提升的人会夸大自己的适应能力。一项研究声称,“心理正常”组受到了“防御性否认者”的污染,他们最容易受到积极的幻想。一项纵向研究发现,自我提升偏差与社会技能差和心理失调有关。在一项单独实验中,男性和女性之间的录像对话由独立的观察者进行评分,自我提升的个体更有可能表现出诸如敌意或易怒等社会问题行为。2007 年的一项研究发现,自我提升偏差与心理益处(如主观幸福感)有关,但也与人际和个人成本(如反社会行为)有关。

Main article: Worse-than-average effect


In contrast to what is commonly believed, research has found that better-than-average effects are not universal. In fact, much recent research has found the opposite effect in many tasks, especially if they were more difficult.


Main article: Self-esteem


Illusory superiority's relationship with self-esteem is uncertain. The theory that those with high self-esteem maintain this high level by rating themselves highly is not without merit—studies involving non-depressed college students found that they thought they had more control over positive outcomes compared to their peers, even when controlling for performance. Non-depressed students also actively rate peers below themselves as opposed to rating themselves higher. Students were able to recall a great deal more negative personality traits about others than about themselves.


In these studies there was no distinction made between people with legitimate and illegitimate high self-esteem, as other studies have found that absence of positive illusions mainly coexist with high self-esteem and that determined individuals bent on growth and learning are less prone to these illusions. Thus it may be that while illusory superiority is associated with undeserved high self-esteem, people with legitimate high self-esteem do not necessarily exhibit it.


leniency /ˈliːnɪənsɪ, ˈliːnjən-/ 仁慈; 宽大

焦点新闻正在直播英语怎么说、新闻直播 英语

有道词典截图 leniency

primus inter pares 众贤之首:在一个群体中,某个人或某个组织在地位上虽然与其他人或组织平等,但在能力、地位或影响力上却超过其他人。

The Dunning-Kruger effect 邓宁-克效应指的是能力欠缺的人在自己欠考虑的决定的基础上得出错误结论,但是无法正确认识到自身的不足,辨别错误行为,是一种认知偏差现象。这些能力欠缺者们沉浸在自我营造的虚幻的优势之中,常常高估自己的能力水平,却无法客观评价他人的能力。

heuristic /hjʊəˈrɪstɪk/ (学习方法)启发式的

razor /ˈreɪzə/ 剃刀

focal /ˈfəʊkəl/ 焦点的

focalism 锚定效应(英语:Anchoring Effect,或focalism),心理学名词,是认知偏差的一种。人类在进行决策时,会过度偏重先前取得的资讯(这称为锚点),即使这个资讯与这项决定无关。在进行决策时,人类倾向于利用此片断资讯(锚点),快速做出决定。在接下来的决定中,再以第一个决定为基准,逐步修正。但是人类容易过度利用锚点,来对其他资讯与决定做出诠释,当锚点与实际上的事实之间的有很大出入,就会出现当局者迷的情况。

heuristics /hjʊəˈrɪstɪks/ 探索法,启发式

inanimate /ɪnˈænɪmɪt/ 无生命的

animate /ˈænɪmət/ 有生命的 ;/ˈænɪmeɪt/ V-T 使有生气

aggregate /ˈægrɪgɪt/ 合计的

orbitofrontal cortex 眶额叶皮层:位于大脑前额叶和颞叶之间的一部分皮层,与情感、决策、社交行为等有关。

orbitofrontal cortex 眶额叶皮层

dorsal anterior cingulate cortex 大脑背侧前扣带回

hurdle /ˈhɜːdəl/ 障碍,困难;跨栏赛跑

skew /skjuː/ 曲解; 歪曲

lawsuit /ˈlɔːˌsuːt/ 诉讼案

inflate /ɪnˈfleɪt/ 使充气; 抬高 (物价); 夸大

susceptible /səˈsɛptəbəl/ 易受…影响的; 易受 (伤) 的; 易患 (病) 的

disparity /dɪˈspærɪtɪ/ 明显差异

tangible /ˈtændʒəbəl/ 清晰明确的

individuation /ˌɪndɪˌvɪdjʊˈeɪʃən/ 个体化

contaminate /kənˈtæmɪˌneɪt/ 污染

longitudinal /ˌlɒndʒɪˈtjuːdɪnəl/ 纵向的,经度的

maladjustment /ˌmæləˈdʒʌstmənt/ 对社会的不适应; 如:解决问题和社会关系有困难,常反映为情绪不稳定 mal-,坏的,不良的 如 malfunction /mælˈfʌŋkʃən/ 出故障

irritability /ˌɪrɪtəˈbɪlɪti/ 易怒;刺激物;应激性;感应性;兴奋性;

merit /ˈmɛrɪt/ 优点; 价值;好处;应受到

legitimate /lɪˈdʒɪtɪmɪt/ 合法的

这个世界的所有问题都在于蠢货和狂热份子总是坚信自己,而智者却充满疑惑。- Bertrand Russell



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