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English Idioms 英文成语

1. fine-tune something

(fine-tune something = make small adjustments to improve it:做一些小的调整来改善它)

英文解释:The word "tune" as a verb means adjusting musical instruments so that the sound is perfect. Musicians in an orchestra tune their instruments before a performance. This is why the word fine-tune can be used to describe making small adjustments to optimize something. “tune”这个词作动词的意思是调整乐器,使声音完美。管弦乐队中的音乐家在演出前给乐器调音。这就是为什么“fine-tune微调”这个词可以用来描述为优化某些东西而做出的小调整。

例句:The website for our online store is already online - now we just need to fine-tune a few things to optimize the checkout process for customers. 我们的在线商店的网站已经上线——现在我们只需要微调一些东西来优化客户的结账流程。

2. fit as a fiddle

(fit as a fiddle = in great health:身体非常健康)

英文解释:A “fiddle” is an instrument like a violin. Musical instruments like this need to be kept in excellent condition in order to play well - so describing someone as “fit as a fiddle” means the person is in excellent health and excellent physical condition. “fiddle”是一种类似小提琴的乐器。像这样的乐器需要保持良好的状态才能演奏得好,所以形容某人“fit as a fiddle”是指这个人非常健康,身体状况非常好。

例句:My grandmother is 90 years old, but she's still as fit as a fiddle - she loves to dance and go to shows and concerts. 我奶奶90岁了,但身体还很健康-她喜欢跳舞,去看表演和音乐会。。

3. play it by ear

(play it by ear = decide how to deal with a situation as it develops:随着事态的发展,决定如何处理)

英文解释:Musicians who "play by ear" can play a song without looking at the written music - they simply hear the music and then play it. When playing by ear, they are also free to improvise, because they are not restricted to the written music. The idiom "play it by ear" therefore means to proceed without a fixed plan. Instead, you improvise your response to the situation as it develops. “play by ear”的音乐家可以不看乐谱就演奏一首歌——他们可以听到这个音乐就把它弹奏出来。也就是说根据耳朵去弹奏时他们也可以自由地即兴创作,因为他们不受书面音乐的限制。因此,成语“play by ear”的意思是没有一个固定的计划。相反,随着情况的发展,你会即兴发挥你的反应。

例句:We're planning a three-month family trip to Europe next summer, but I'm not sure how long we'll spend in each country - we'll play it by ear and see which places we like the best:我们计划明年夏天全家去欧洲旅行三个月,但是我还不确定我们在每个国家会呆多长时间——我们要看情况而定,看看我们最喜欢哪个地方。

4. like a broken record

(like a broken record = say the same thing repeatedly:重复说同样的话)

英文解释:This idiom comes from the technology of the past! If there is a flaw in the record, it often plays the same small piece of music repeatedly. This is why a person who says the same thing repeatedly is compared to a broken record. 这个成语来自于过去的技术!如果唱片有瑕疵,它往往会重复播放同一小段音乐。这就是为什么一个人重复说同样的话,会被比作一张破唱片。

例句:Sheila's constantly complaining about her job - she sounds like a broken record - yet she won't do anything to try to change the situation. 希拉总是抱怨她的工作——她听起来就像一张坏了的唱片。然而,她不会做出任何事情来改变这种现状。


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